Saturday, September 11, 2010

Motel 6 Morning

Billings is cold in the morning. This is the first 40 degree morning for me this year. I can't wait to get out of here. Red Lodge is like 60 miles or so - I think. My motel room smells like cigarettes but I could care less. See you in Red Lodge.


  1. Awesome picture of the parking lot. Is that a Honda Ridgeline in the foreground? Looks like a vintage camper behind the crew van.

  2. Scout all areas surrounding parking lots and trails for klapperschlange, set up a telepathic communications channel. Tell them you are Klapperschlange Jones and you desire to get to know them in their environment.

  3. Note to self on Motel 6.
    Keep sandwich size ziplock bag for tv remote. Dont touch remote put bag around it and seal in bag.
    Always wear sandals so your feet don't touch the carpet. Leave bags in car to avoid insect infestation from motel room. Remove comforter from bed and use a sleeping bag over sheets.
