Saturday, September 18, 2010

Yellowstone Day 5 (Midway Geyser Basin)

This place was awesome.  I had such a hard time deciding what pictures to leave in and out.  I took so many pictures here.  It has all these giant holes overflowing with boiling hot water.  The Firehole runs right by it.  The overflows actually run right into the river.  And there's a stout bridge that you have to cross to see the main attraction.

 Here's that bridge I was talking about.  Dad's up there in the picture.  We could see fish just below him.  Trout.  Very cool place.

Here's some of what I was talking about earlier.  It basically overflows right into the river and blows enormous amounts of steam into the air while doing so.  You can also see some of the bacteria that's growing in the streams of hot water.

This is such a cool picture.  There's a walkway on it in the distance with the steam rising behind it.  The water in the foreground is from the steam pools.  It's overflowing and heading down hill.  I'm told that you have to be very careful where you walk.  Basically, you need to stay on the walkways.  The earth is very thin.

This was one of the difficult ones.  I couldn't decide to show this one or another one.  This is a side angle of this really amazing blue pool with steam rising out of it.  It looks like you're on some unknown planet.  Awesome!

I love this picture.  I may end up framing it.  This an overflow area that's blanketed with bacterial growth.  You can see the burnt oranges and dingy browns anchored by the pools and steam in the distance.  Love it.

Here's another one that i really liked.  Very similar to the first one.

Ok. Ok.  Just calm down.  I can't give you the entire experience without showing you the "waste pits".  I've come up with a different name.  Replace waste with a word that starts with s and rhymes with hit.  Use your imagination.  No running water here.

This is also one of my favorites.  Really nice.  It almost looks like and ocean or something.  It's just a little north of Midway Geyser Basin.  Still very cool.


  1. eric you truly have talent! these images are amazing! you should def frame your favorite, maybe several.

  2. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. I really enjoyed capturing all that. I'll probably start taking more nature related pictures. It was fun. Now I've got to find more local adventures. I actually went out and bought some decent hiking shoes. I plan to do more of this.
